New year, new vamp

DACY: Hey, Fleur!
FLEUR: Oh, great. You.
DACY: It’s a new year coming up and you know what they say, new year, new me!
FLEUR: I sure hope so because the current you is a fucking fool!
DACY: You damn right because I get stupid in that pussy!
FLEUR: I need a drink. Or a wall to bash my head into. Whatever makes me pass out quicker.
DACY: Hol up, hol up. I wanna talk about the famous Fleur New Years Nightmare Gangbang.
FLEUR: Ah, so you wanna get your rocks off to a story about a bunch of black daddies making me their property? Bwwahahahaha! You’re one sick puppy. That’s what I like about you, kid. You’re disgusting. A little pervert. So… Maybe I’ll give you a treat, it won’t just be you and your hand this New Years. It’ll be you and these plump red lips.
DACY: Rea…rea…really?!
FLEUR: No! I can’t believe you believed that. I worry about you, kiddo. Alright, alright, I know you depend on me for stroke material so keep your pants on… or maybe don’t!
DACY: I’m already naked!
FLEUR: So, it all started on New Year’s Eve a few decades back. I was minding my own damn business, drowning my sorrows in the shittiest vampire bar in Boston. Basically, the only one I hadn’t been banned from not paying my tab. You know the kind of place: sticky floors, even stickier clientele, and a distinct smell of regret…that smells a lot like you, Dacy.
DACY: I’ve lived a rough life.
FLEUR: Alright, my little virginal friend, maybe this will cheer you up. There I was the only white chick in this place, and I swear every vampiric brother must have crawled out their coffins to get a glimpse of my pale muscular ass.
DACY: I crawled off my mom’s sofa to get a glimpse of it.
FLEUR: Anyway, some of them were just baby vamps I thought. But others were old enough to point out the historical inaccuracies of Django Unchained!
DACY: Great movie.
FLEUR: It was, wasn’t it. But that’s not the point. I mean, you could see the cataracts glinting in their eyes like they were waiting for death to come quicker if they got to stick their dark stakes in a hot white piece of ass like yours gruesomely.
FLEUR: I walk in, looking like a goddess amongst these brothers, and before I can even order a fucking drink, this ancient vamp hobbles over, his gums flapping like a loose sail in the wind as he mutters about how he’s got a ‘big surprise’ for me. I’m thinking, ‘Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, if it’s his dick, I’m hoping it’s big enough to choke on!’ You know the feeling, right?
FLEUR: But no, the surprise was a round of drinks on him. And like the dumb white bitch I am, I take it. Next thing I know, I’m surrounded by these three geezers, rubbing up against me like they’re trying to warm their cold bones with my Satanic heat. They start chanting some tribal shit, and I’m thinking, ‘Holy fuck, are they about to sacrifice me to their voodoo gods?’ And then I realized, I walked into a fucking witches bar, the vamp bar is across the street.
DACY: You’ve got a problem with voodoo?
FLEUR: Voodoo Bars? You know why I hate voodoo bars? Because its just a bunch of pathetic posers in witch cosplay, I could kill em real quick and hit a real bar.
DACY: I figured a black dick lover like you would probably ride OJ!
FLEUR: Didn’t he die recently?
DACY: Did he?! I dunno then the joke is even more tasteless!
FLEUR: I’ll see ya in Hell, kiddo.
DACY: Literally!
FLEUR: So Then it happens. One of them, a bald, bastard, grabs me by my hair and yanks me down onto the grimy bar top. I’m screaming and giggling like a banshee as the rest of these old fuckers start tearing at my clothes like they’re unwrapping Christmas gifts. My skirt gets ripped to shreds, my top torn open, and my tits are bouncing out for all to see.
DACY: Perhaps, I might be able to see those tits.
FLEUR: Shove it, loser. So then The gangbang to end all gangbangs. One old black dude after another, they climb on top of me, their massive donkey dicks barely able to fit inside my twat! I’m getting drilled by dicks that probably haven’t seen action since the Civil Rights Movement. Each one of them grunts like they’re about to die right there on top of me, but fuck me, did they hump like this was the last white bitch of their lives.
DACY: Well, it probably was.
FLEUR: Good point.
DACY: This is a dark story!
FLEUR: Hey, I like em dark. So, they’re taking turns nailing me on that cockroach-infested bar, you know witch doctors are sloppy as shit, and I’m just in fucking Hell, in a good way! And then, they start getting creative. I swear to God, these old bastards must’ve watched some good ass interracial porn or something because suddenly, they’re spit-roasting me with their massive, throbbing BBC’s dicks
DACY: BRB, using imagination!
FLEUR: One of them, let’s call him, Jamal, has his BBC buried deep in my pussy while another one, let’s call him Jamal II is shoving his black mamba down my throat.
DACY: Can we not pick the most stereotypical names we can think of?
FLEUR: Their dicks are so goddamn huge, I feel like I’m being split in half. And the sounds! It’s like a fucking safari in my ears – grunting, groaning, and the sloppy sound of flesh slapping against flesh. I can barely breathe, let alone try to beg for mercy!
DACY: Wait, you breathe? Aren’t you undead?
FLEUR: It was a figure of speech, shithead! Let me get my shit off, fuck! I felt like I was getting impaled by King Kong! These ancient bucks were relentless, fucking me from both ends like I was some sort of fuck toy they found in the bargain bin at CVS!
DACY: They sell sex toys at CVS? Excuse me I need to amend my shopping list!
FLEUR: Bro, you should have heard what they were calling me. Snowbunny cunt, wanna be ghetto slut, queen of spades!
DACY: I’m sorry you had to go through that.
FLEUR: Sorry!? I fucking nutted like a race horse when they called me mayo bitch! But, I gave as good as I got. I spit out one dick and told the guy behind him he better try not to nut because I’m gonna bounce that white ass on him like a slave ship on open waters.
DACY: No, you didn’t say that…
FLEUR: I sure as Beezelebub did. Ya wanna know what else I said?
DACY: It’s probably better if I don’t.
FLEUR: I was all like, look upon my white ass and rejoice, boy! Then again you’ve been stuck with Hood rats and chicken heads so I doubt you know what a tight hot white ass looks like! You’ve been begging for white pussy since you found out it existed don’t cum now, boy! Come on, fuck this superior white cunt! But, ya know something, they didn’t appreciate my dirty talk like I thought they would.
DACY: Oh really.
FLEUR: These grumpy dudes are having a real emotional crisis over my choice of words. They don’t take too kindly to their delicate sensibilities being offended. Uncle Ruckus over there, the one with the cane, he starts whining about how they taught ‘white girls’ to respect their betters back in the day. Like, hello, I’m not even that old, fuckface. Ain’t nobody teaching me shit.
DACY: Aren’t you 100 years old?
FLEUR: So, they start getting real serious. You know the drill- eyes flashing, voices rising in ugly threats. They’re gonna shut me up real quick, they claim. Gonna make me regret all these insults I’ve been flinging about like confetti at a Klan rally!
DACY: Do you go to Party City and just say, hey I’ve got a Klan rally coming up, can I get some confetti and party favors?
FLEUR: Party City is closing, shithead, show some respect.
DACY: My apologies! What happened next?
FLEUR: I’m still laughing, thinking this is a damn joke. A pack of ancient fossils trying to scare a modern woman with their piddling intimidation tactics. But then, old negreo Archie Bunker over yonder, the one with the salt-and-pepper beard, he whips out his sweaty boxers! Then they really start swinging. They grab my hair and drag my head down. They force my face deep into Mr. undie here’s boxers! I try to tear through em with my fangs but fuck if these voodoo fucks aren’t holding my mouth shut.
DACY: Wait, you’re the the daughter of the original vampire and some old witchdoctors made you gag on their tightie whites.
FLEUR: They had that old man strength! Shut up, I could still kick your ass. Speaking of, they started beating my toned white ass like I was some kind of fucking pinata.
DACY: You really went down to some old dudes who shoved boxers in your mouth?
FLEUR: I said shut up! They had a double grip on my mouth, maybe a magic grip.
DACY: Now it’s a magic grip?
FLEUR: Yeah! I was sputtering and shit. The old geezer with the cane, he was the first to start, whacking me with it like he was trying to beat the white out of me!
DACY: That’d fuck up the census!
FLEUR: It hurt like a bitch, but fuck, it was turning me on so much. I was writhing, trying to escape those hands, but they had me pinned down, and I couldn’t do shit. They kept going, kept beating my ass until it was red and swollen, and I was whimpering like a fucking dog. But, I looked at them with these pale blue eyes, black men can’t resist blue eyes, and they pulled the underwear out my mouth, it was covered in my spit.
DACY: And sold for 50 bucks on ebay!
FLEUR: 75, fool. So anyway there I was, bent over like a fucking prostitute off Figueroa ass up in the air, with these old bucks telling me to be a good little white slut and toss their salads.
DACY: Once again, BRB, using imagination
FLEUR: I mean, can you fucking believe it? Me, Fleur Flannagan, granddaughter of Satan himself, being ordered around by a bunch of fucking voodoo witches. It was fucking humiliating, I didn’t even know their names, but I sure as fuck knew the taste of their assholes.
DACY: Kind of like how a werewolf knows the scent of another werewolf!
FLEUR: I couldn’t get enough of the taste of their sweaty, hairy asses. And they fucking loved it, too. They were moaning and groaning, calling me their ‘little ass-eating white bitch.’
DACY: I’m sure otherwise they were perfect gentlemen.
FLEUR: I mean they didn’t spit on me.
DACY: That’s a high standard you have. So did the other patrons in the bar just let you go through this affair?
FLEUR: There were some younger guys in the bar, black guys too, who got off on the sight of me getting manhandled by these old coots. I saw the way they were looking at me, their eyes glued to my tits bouncing as these geezers beat my ass and shoved their yummy draws in my mouth and made me tongue fuck their assholes. So I gave them a nasty look and they shoulda backpedaled faster than Usain Bolt on crack
DACY: But they didn’t?
FLEUR: Well, I am a hot white bitch with big titties. What do you expect them to do. And their egos were as big as their cocks! Sothey just kept beating it, kinda like you, except replace your abject look of shame and mother-induced guilt with smirks.
DACY: Were there any black women there?
FLEUR: A few, real big titty black girls with asses to match, and they were getting in on the action too. I remember one girl, her name was…fuck it, she didn’t need a name, but her body was out of this fucking world. Tits that were just begging to be played with, and an ass that looked like two bowling balls in a pillowcase.
DACY: That’s a new description for me!
FLEUR She was loving the sight of these ancient bucks laying into me. She was like a fucking Queen bee, sitting there, sipping her drink, watching me get fucking abused like it was her favorite show. And you know what? Fuck it, I was putting on a good show for her. She was rubbing herself as I tongued old man ass, telling the old bucks to hit me harder. “Beat that white ass,” she kept saying, and they were fucking loving it.
DACY: But, its hard to imagine your cute doll face in someone’s butt, Fleur.
FLEUR: Heh, no shit, pal, I was a fucking mess, tears streaming down my face, snot bubbling from my nose, and those old geezers just laughed their asses off. They thought it was fucking hilarious, seeing a good-for-nothing demonic bitch like me reduced to this pathetic, sobbing mess, groveling in their pipe.
DACY: So did the night end there?
FLEUR: Pretty much. They threw me onto the bar counter, like I was just some fucking ragdoll. I was laid out there, naked and sweaty, my body aching from the fucking pounding they’d given me. They jerked off right in front of me, their hot cum splattering my face, my tits, even in my damn hair!
DACY: Not the hair! At least not before I could do it to you first.
FLEUR: It was like a damn bukkake festival in there! So I’m sitting there, drenched in negro jizz and sweat, when the bartender, a bald white guy, finally comes over. You’d think he’d be pissed, but he’s smirking like a fuckin’ idiot, watching these black boys jerk off on me, then he pulls out a fucking camera and snaps a goddamn photo. “You know,” he says, “I bet you’d fetch a pretty penny in a porno mag, snowbunny.” But the worst part? I had a fucking orgasm right there, like a goddamn sex-crazed rabbit, just from being a goddamn bukkake target. I couldn’t stop my pussy from trembling, it was like it was saying ‘thank you for the meal!’ And that’s how I wrung in the New Year. 2001 was a pretty good year.
DACY: Except for you know…
FLEUR: Oh, fuck, you’re right.
DACY: This ended darkly.